If you know me in person I have the biggest sweet tooth and when I came across this recipe I knew I had to share it with you all. This raw caramel slice is easy to make and you only need a food processor or blender and a baking tray. It is so delicious and indulgent it will surely hit those sugar cravings.



  • 1/2 Cup Medjool Dates

  • 1 Cup Natural Almonds

  • 1 1/2 Tablespoons Melted Coconut Oil

  • A Sprinkle of Salt


  • 1 Cup Medjool Dates

  • 1/4 Cup Honey

  • 1/4 Cup Rice Malt Syrup

  • 1 Tablespoon Nut Butter


  • 3 Tablespoon melted Coconut Oil

  • 2 Tablespoons Cacao Powder

  • 1 Tablespoon Honey


  1. Pit and cut dates for base and place in blender. Add the rest of the base ingredients.

  2. Blend together until smooth.

  3. Line tin with baking paper. Pour out the mixture into the tin and evenly spread out to form the base.

  4. Place in freezer.

  5. Pit and roughly chop filling dates.

  6. In the same blender cup, add all of your filling ingredients. Pulse mixture until all ingredients have become smooth.

  7. Grab your base from the freezer and pour the filling onto the base and spread lightly to form a thin layer.

  8. Place tin back into the freezer.

  9. Add your coconut oil, cacao powder and honey into a cup. Stir until combined.

  10. Pour the topping of the mixture and then place the slice into the freezer for 3 hours to set.

  11. Cut up the slice into small rectangles, store in the freezer or fridge.


Kels xx  

Recipes, NutritionKelsey Petherick