CLEANSE YOUR LIFE l Soulful Smoothie Sessions

Welcome to the first edition of Soulful Smoothie Sessions. For the first edition I have decided to share with you my delicious Green Smoothie recipe and I thought what better topic to talk about then how to CLEANSE YOUR LIFE.

GREEN SMOOTHIE RECIPE (use as a guide only)

  • 1 handful of baby spinach

  • 1/4 of a continental cucumber

  • 1 small handful of frozen bananas

  • 1 medjool date

  • A dash of cinnamon

  • 1 teaspoon of collagen

  • fill with cold water

Blend all together until smooth.



We can all get in the society of social media and sometimes it can consume our mind in negative ways. Especially with comparison, whether that be with our bodies or our lives in general. If you are feeling that social media is making you feel not great about yourself, first off take some time to go through the people that you follow and ask yourself, do they really serve me? Does there content lift me up or not? If the answer is no, then it's time to unfollow.

Next to this, taking a social media detox by deleting the apps off your phone can help immensely to cleanse your mind and reconnect with you intuition. You can do this for a couple days or week and see how you feel afterwards. Notice how many times you reach for your phone to scroll. Become aware and make the conscious decision to use your time more wisely and to something that will make you grow.  


"A cluttered space = a cluttered mind". You know this saying right? and its true, when you feel like everything around is a mess and disorganised then you and your mind becomes a mess and disorganised. Take some time out and clean your space, get organised and not only your space but your mind will become more clear.


Our mind can get cluttered with ideas, emotions and thoughts. We can start to forget things or become overwhelmed and stressed because we cant keep track of what we need to do. Writing down all of your tasks and everything that you need to achieve on a daily or weekly basis can help you get a clear picture in what needs to get down.

Also writing down all of your emotions can really help make your mind more clear and release the thoughts that may be holding you down. You will also give yourself the opportunity to become more self aware which is massive when you want to progress through life.


The people that surround you can either lift you up or bring you down. Take some time and analyse if the people you are spending the most time with are supporting you, making you feel good about yourself and bringing you up.

If you find that they are bringing unnecessary negativity into your life you need to make the conscious decision to spend less time with them. Use this time away from these people to raise your vibe and you will see in time, you attract people who share the same values as you. Be patient.


Drink warm lemon water in the morning to kick start your metabolism and digestive system. I have done this everyday for over 2 years and I have noticed an immense change in my skin, mood and digestion. Your body is made out of 70% water so getting enough water in your day is crucial. Aim for at least 2-3 litres of water a day.

Furthermore, get outside in the fresh air, take a long walks in nature to clear your mind and release some endorphins. This can help especially if you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed.

Remember: Give yourself permission to change and be the person you want to be.

Kels x