Tiffany Cowley - Yoga Teacher, Women's Wellness Mentor, Essential Oil Consultant

Tiffany Cowley wears many hats in her day to day life. Not only does she have 3 gorgeous kids and one on the way, but Tiffany is also a yoga teacher, women's wellness mentor and is passionate about self-development. I had the wonderful pleasure to interview Tiffany and learn a little more about her story.

Tiffany Cowley

Hi Tiffany, tell me a little bit about yourself:  Where are you from, what are your interests/things you love doing in your spare time and what do you do for a living?

Hey Kels,

I moved to Australia from England in 2002 at the ripe old age of 21. I bought a one-way ticket with the belief that this was my adventure, my path and I would live here forever! True so far, 16 years later - here I still am with my little Aussie tribe, 3 kids and one on the way. Married to my country boy, living on our little farm 30 minutes north of Port Macquarie, in Kundabung (people always have a giggle how I pronounce it with my accent)

I love hanging out with my family at home, trail riding with my daughter and going to music festivals and farmers markets with my hubby. I love to travel, thats one thing I wish I had done more of when I first reached the shores of Oz, instead I went straight into work as a hairdresser in Brisbane. I would have loved to have done the backpacker thing. I would still love to travel around Australia in a van with my family. One day!

I am a bit obsessed with self-development and women’s wellness. I am women's wellness mentor, currently studying hormonal health (I am a course addict too) I am also just beginning  my new venture in sharing DoTerra essentials oils, which have been part of my life for so long, both personally for me and my family and professionally in my work as a yoga teacher and reiki healer. So, as you are probably thinking, I have many ‘hats’! Though as life evolves over time, the ratios of these hats differ - to flow with what's happening in my world. I am a big believer in balance and I pride myself on walking my talk it comes to juggling family, work and life.

What do you feel is your purpose in life and how do you think you are making this into reality?

I was born into a family of women, we have Irish gypsy blood running through our veins. My nana was and still is the most empowering and encouraging women you could ever meet. She gave me the belief that I could do anything I put my mind to, and no matter what ever happened in life I could always go home to her. I want to install those same beliefs into my children, I want to empower and inspire my family. I love empowering women just as my nana empowered me. I am passionate about creating a sense of community and sisterhood, I think that's what's missing in our modern western world. I want to support women on their journey to tapping into their own innate wisdom, to honour themselves and their needs through whatever means I can.

When and how did yoga and living a holistic life come about for you?

I have been practising yoga since I was 19, back in the UK to a Geri Halliwell DVD in my lounge! Being a busy hairdresser, I remember consciously letting go of tension in my neck that ran so deep, it was truly profound for me at that moment. As my hairdressing career continued as I moved to Australia and I was running my own salon in inner city Brisbane, I reached a point I never want to reach again.. I felt I was literally on the edge of losing my mind. Burning the candle at both ends was taking its toll. I booked into a wellness retreat, which was the catalyst for my journey into all things wellness. We decided on a tree change not long after that, I sold my salon and we bought our little property here in Kundabung. That was ten years ago. During that time I have done my yoga teacher training, and my Health coach course and immersed myself in all things women's wellness.

What is your favourite part about what you do?

I love connecting with like-minded women and having deep, soulful conversations. I love to see women stepping into their power and making sustainable life changes for the better. I also love seeing people’s faces as slowly make their way out of Savasana at the end of a yoga practice feeling all blissed out.

What are some of the challenges you have faced throughout your business journey and how have you overcome these?

At the age of 23 I built (literally from the ground up) a brand new salon in Brisbane. Managing a team of 11 staff, a lot of them older than me required me to dig deep into my self-worth, to tell myself that I deserved to be there. On top of that, the biggest challenge was running a business when all my family were back in the UK. I knew nothing of business and had to learn along the way. Looking back now I would have done a lot of things differently.

I didn’t see the value of self-care at this point, I was burning my bridges and stressed to the max.  It was during this time I came very close to what felt like a breakdown, I was completely stressed beyond anything I had ever experienced.  Chronic stress and I will never forget sitting in my office on a busy evening feeling like my brain was about to give out on I was so close to losing my mind. This was the changing point for me. I never want to feel that feeling again, and that's why I really do walk my talk when it comes to balance and health in life. I booked into a retreat the following day and have never looked back. A week later, I still remember clearly, driving home from the retreat looking up at the full moon and feeling complete bliss.

These days, my biggest challenge are my own limiting beliefs; you know, the good old juicy ones - fear of judgment, worthiness, fear of success….Changing these thought patterns doesn’t happen overnight, its a constant work in progress, its all about the journey - not the destination, right? So, I coach myself as I do my clients. I use affirmations, listen to podcasts, guided meditations, journal.. all that yummy, empowering stuff - coming from a place of abundance & gratitude. It seems to be working thus far!

Do you have a morning routine, and if so what does your morning routine look like? Does it benefit how you work for the rest of the day?

Oh man, I’d be lying if I said I get up at sunrise, meditation and do my yoga every morning! This would be my perfect morning, that I love to do when I have the urge.. though in my reality right now, being pregnant (morning sickness yay!). Having 2 kids at school and a a hubby that works away, my morning looks more like this (on a school day) - I wake at 6am (Usually with a bed full of kids that I have acquired through the night) Before rising or moving (so I don’t wake the kids and can enjoy a moment of peace hehe) I like to a few mins of breathing meditation, some deep belly and expansive breaths and relaxation before imagining and creating a feeling of abundance and gratitude throughout my body and mind.  This is a great exercise for me, that radiates through my day. Then, I try and sneak out of bed to have a cup of tea and a little slice of jam on toast (to help with my morning sickness!) In peace before getting the kids up and beginning the fun ( not so fun for me!) Job of getting the kids ready and out of the door by 7.30am. Now, if I’m being completely honest, we're usually running late and IM a bit frazzled! So, I have a roll on bottle of calming essential oils which I keep in the car and smother myself in right away to help me get my Zen back!! After dropping the kids off, I head back home and feed all the animals with my baby girl, go for a little walk or do some yoga then begin my day in the home office.

What are some of your favourite self-development/spiritual books or materials that you would suggest to someone just starting out?

The Power Of Now I read years ago and would recommend that for sure. An oldy but a goody is The Alchemist. The Untethered Soul is a fab book. I love Sahara Rose’s podcast ‘I am Sahara Rose’ and I am loving the ‘whole You’ podcast for anyone starting out in business is one I am living at the moment. Oh and I am reading Earth Is Hiring currently too.

What are some of your goals and aspirations for the future?

With just falling pregnant with Bub no. 4, I have really had to pull back and reevaluate my the structure of my business the last couple of months. To empower, educate and support women (including myself) is still my passion, though I always want to do this from a place of honouring myself and my family, the balance. So I just modify the ratios of what tools I have and adjust to what works for us as life evolves and changes. Having four kids means teaching yoga a few times a week is unrealistic at this point and for the near future.. I am super excited to be focusing on running my business from home. I'll be hosting yoga & wellness workshops, educating women (or men) on improving health and wellbeing using essential oils and contouring with my 1:1 women's wellness mentoring/coaching. I am also really excited to build and coach a team of like-minded women, create a sisterhood of gals who would also love to create a business around sharing essential oils too.

What is one thing most people may not know about you?

Well, some of you may be shocked to hear I am a die-hard fan of UFC, MMA!! I love nothing more than spending time with my hubby on a Sunday afternoon, watching cage fighting! Crazy hey, I think it comes from my family culture of watching good old boxing back in the UK in the 80’s and 90’s. I also love to travel,  to experience life... India is definitely on my bucket list. I love trail riding with my daughter around our property (missing this while being pregnant!)

How can people get in touch with you?

Email -

Website -

Facebook - Yoga & Wellness with Tiffany Cowley

Instagram - tiffany_cowley

Thank you Tiffany x

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