How to stay organised when life gets a little cray

It seems these days that we are all taking on a million things at once. The world is moving at a million miles an hour and we are all constantly trying to keep our head above water.

Is it just me or do you feel like this too?

Right now I am juggling a full time job, Uni, Hey Kels, gym, a social life plus attached to these things are many many more little things that you need to consider in your day to day life.

We start to wonder why do we take on so much all at once. For me, I love to always have projects on the go and the feeling of self progression.


What I have learned through this juggling, is that we can sometimes get distracted, procrastinate and get stressed or overwhelmed by everything that we need to do. I find that with myself, I multitask like nothing else, sometimes this is good, for example: when I am eating breakfast and typing up a blog post but other times it means I am not giving my all to a project that I should be.

Sometimes it's good to take some time out and set up processes and strategies up so you are making the most out of time and putting in your all like you should be.

Below I have listed some tips which are currently helping me to stay organised and on track.

1. Write everything down

I love lists. Like obsessed. Lists are an amazing way to get everything that you need to do out on paper and in clear view. Creating a list removes the clutter from your mind and so you have a clear vision of what exactly you need to do.

Start by just brainstorming on a piece of paper and jot down everything you think you need to do. Also put a deadline if the task has one.

2. Do your tasks in small chunks

Break all of your tasks up in small chunks and small obtainable goals that are easily achievable. Think of the small steps that you can do in 5 minutes rather than 1 hour. Small progress is a good process and breaking it up will make the bigger task less daunting.

3. Block out time

Similar to doing it in small chunks, make sure you mark out this time in your calendar. Make it an appointment that you need to attend. Strive for blocks of 30minutes to an hour on the bigger tasks and 10 - 15minutes on the smaller ones. Become accountable and show up, not only to get the task done but for yourself as well.

4. Be Flexible

You know that life sometimes doesn't work out as planned. Learn to be okay with this and be flexible when unexpected things pop up. Contrary to this don't be disheartened if you missed out on doing that task for the day because you were caught up on other things. You always have tomorrow, learn from your experiences and use this to your advantage.

5. Check in with your goals and yourself

From time to time check in with yourself. I do it every night and reflect on how I am feeling, progress and what I need to do next. Self-reflection is so important in knowing how you are going. Even if it is at the end of the week, look back and jot down everything that you have achieved and everything that you need to complete. Identify if your processes so far are working well or they need to be adjusted.

6. Self Care Sunday (or any day)

Take time out and just relax. Even if it just an hour on a Sunday afternoon. Take the time to get reconnected with yourself and intuition. Some of my favourite things to do is a face mask, yoga, meditation, and reading. Find what you love and do it every so often to ease the mind. You will find that taking this time out will benefit your mind and body greatly.

Let me know how you go and leave your suggestions for future blog posts /videos in the comments below.

With love,

Kels xx

MindsetKelsey Petherick