Tanika Baker - Naturally Neak Naturopathy

With a passion for all things holistic health, Tanika Baker is the creator of Naturally Neak Naturopathy. Her Instagram feed has amazingly beautiful images and is filled with recipes and information on how you can create a more holistic life. I had the opportunity to chat to Tanika about her journey so far and her aspirations for the future.

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Hi Tanika, Introduce yourself: Where are you from, what are your interests/things you love doing in your spare time and what do you do for a living?

Hi everyone! My name is Tanika baker, I’ve lived and grown up in beautiful  Port Macquarie most of my life. I moved away to the Gold Cost to study my university degree but returned home to start my family. I am currently a Health adviser at GoVita and run my own online health and wellness business Naturally Neak Naturopathy.

What do you feel is your purpose in life and how do you think you are making this into reality?

I consider myself to have two major purposes! First and for most my most important purpose in life is being a mother to my beautiful nearly three year old daughter. My second purpose is everything Holistic health related. I have a passion for nutrition, herbal medicine and helping people manage their own health journeys. Naturally Neak Naturopathy was created to allow myself to work in a field I love without the traditional 9-5 work day but also stay at home with daughter for as long as possible to watch her grow and not miss out on any of the important mile stones in her development.

How and when did Naturopathy & Nutrition become an interest for you?

Naturopathy became a passion for me in my final years of high school. I had a pretty hard time in year eleven with a traumatic health scare and invasive surgery that followed. This took its toll on my mentally and physically and I experienced what can happen to the body during times of chronic stress and dis-ease. My passion for holistic health began after I researched my own ways to combat stress and adrenal fatigue after the western medical approach just wanted me to take prescriptions for symptomatic relief without addressing causation.

What is your favourite aspect about being a Naturopath and Nutritionist?

For me, hands down the thing I love most about what I do is seeing results of an individualized treatment plan and really getting to know a client on a personal basis. When a client comes into see me and share their gratitude because they are finally feeling better, that they appreciate the fact I’ve taken the time to listen to their complaints and really address the causation of their major concerns, it really warms my heart. When they come in to say after years of chronic disease and low vitality, with gifts in hand to say thank you for the help and relief you have given them, lifting their vital force and improving their quality of life reassures me I chose the right path with naturopathy.

What are some of the challenges you have faced throughout your business journey and how have you overcome these?

I started Naturally Neak Naturopathy on my own, with no previous business experience prior; all I had was my passion to succeed in an industry I loved. I just took one step at a time and knew it wouldn’t happen overnight. Consistency is KEY!

One of my biggest challenges throughout my journey has been overcoming social anxiety and stepping out of my comfort zone. Social networking is so important in business; especially online social media based business. Once I faced my fears of talking to crowds, introducing my work and products to new businesses for collaborations or to stock my product lines, they showed me a lot of my anxious thoughts were just that, invalid.

Also, GoodnessMe Box approached me asked for 1000 units for one of their monthly boxes! This was a huge business deal especially since I had only just launched the business. I said yes not sure wether I would be able to pull it all together in two weeks but I said yes and figured out the rest as I went along. It’s okay to as for help if you need it, and I did just that! Asked friends and family to come help me pack, seal and label so make the dead online.

I remind myself everyday, why I am doing what I am doing, that I LOVE doing what I do and this gives me confidence to push through. Being confident in your purpose helps you push through many obstacles.

Do you have a morning routine, and if so what does your morning routine look like? Does it benefit how you work for the rest of the day?

My mornings start bright and early once my little awakes, I organize her breakfast first as most mums do and am often very time poor when it comes to myself, I don’t function very well without breakfast so I have a nutrient dense green smoothie with avocado, vital greens and a small amount of frozen banana! I find I am way more productive, happy and clearer minded if I can get moving and do at least a 20 minute workout at the gym before carrying out the rest of the days tasks.

naturally neak

Who are the people you look up to and support you through this venture?

My friends and family have been a great support network for myself as running a small online business as a singe mum with a toddler is time consuming and hard work! They have offered to baby sit in times of need so I can attend events and training seminars. They have always been the first people to share my posts and articles, the love and support I receive on their behalf is greatly appreciated!

I also find support connecting with other like minded small businesses with the same values as me. This has been great as we can connect over coffee and share ideas, collaborate, vent about issues we are facing within our businesses and just help to build up each other up!   

What are some of your goals and aspirations for the future?

My main focus for the future, once my daughter is old enough to be enrolled in school is to open up a small boutique health food store, offering only the best Australian products in the health and wellness industry with the option to book into see a naturopath or other holistic health practitioner in my very own clinic room within the store if required. I hope to talk to young kids and schools about healthy habits and offer community days for those who cant usually afford to see a natural health practitioner.

What is one thing most people may not know about you?

I love all things food! Food styling, food photography and of course recipe creating (because I get to eat all the food). I am a big believer in balance, in all aspects of life and physical exercise is important, not on superficial, egotistical level but to ensure a health body and mind.

How can people get in touch with you?

People can come visit me in store at GoVita Port Macquarie on a Wednesday and Thursday or visit my social media accounts for recipes, health related articles and inspiration.

Thank you Tanika xx

Connect with Tanika


Instagram: @naturallyneaknaturopathy

CommunityKelsey Petherick