Spring is upon us, let's hit the refresh button

Oh the Spring time. How I love the blossoming of the flowers, the warm sun on my skin and brisk fresh air in the morning.  

Spring time is the time to rejuvenate, clean out and start fresh. The past month, honestly, I have felt a lot of anxiety within myself and for my future. It was hard, I was in a constant state of needing validation from the people around me, making sure I was doing everything according to their plan . I felt like I was going back into the state of mind where I was a year ago. I had fear of doing, of speaking and moving. I had this constant thought that I was going to fail and this unwavering uncertainty for the day ahead.

I had no idea what brought this on. It was so all of a sudden after I got back from my birthday trip in Melbourne. I feel now reflecting that this pivotal moment was building up over a period of time. Usually for me thoughts like this build up in the background from a number events. But that's the thing, nothing bad actually happened. I think it was just because I kept gaining these looping thoughts of "I am not doing enough" "I am not where I should be" "I am not making enough progress"

Uhh rightio... Kels, calm down.

We are talking a month of built up of "made up" guilt. The truth is, I did make progress, maybe not in the numbers on my social media, but within myself... 100%.

I reached out to more people and learnt about their stories. I prepared two new products, launching in late September and I travelled to a new place.

This hard time that I went through brought me to here.

My mind is still shifting into a more beautiful state, and I expect it to continue that way, it is a constant journey. You need to find what works for you.

I have been doing morning rituals to get my mind in a positive state before the rest of the days plans come about. I haven't been mindlessly scrolling on social media until I have done my morning routine, which has helped immensely. I even took 5 days off it completely, a social media detox I named it. We don't realise it, but what we see in front of us everyday can really have an impact on our mental state.

By having this awareness of what social media does to me, I have made a real effort into removing it from my constant life and replacing it with more soulful sessions and self development.

Some people are not a fan of meditation, journalling and tarot reading and that's completely okay. Find what makes your mind feel alive and full of hope.

I really do love the Spring time and I feel there is not just a change in season but a change coming in my life and others around me. Maybe you feel like this to?

I want to use this time to really hinder on myself and my self care. Drinking soulful smoothies, taking long walks in nature and just being. We all have times of doubt, uncertainty and feelings of failure. But it is how you get back up and keep going that really matters.

I ask you now, what do you want to change? Is it your diet? Your job? Your friends?

What ever it may be let me give you this gift.

I give you permission to make that move.

I give YOU permission to make that move.

Be selfish. If you want to hit that reset button, then hit that button hard.

I really mean it. I am doing it and I hope you join me.

Sending you all my love,

Kels xx

MindsetKelsey Petherick