Have you made a goal lately? Maybe it was to exercise at least 5 times a week, not eat any junk food or get those glasses of water in.

Can you think of all of the goals that you have made this year? Now think of all of the ones you have achieved and the ones you haven't.

We all set out to have good intentions to be better versions of ourselves. Sometimes we fall off the bandwagon, I do to as well, don't worry. I have made plenty of goals and not achieved many of them.

Some of the goals I admit I have made because I wanted to impress other people. I know, quite silly right. I wasn't doing it for myself, I was doing it fit in, to be like everyone else because that's how I thought I would be accepted and ultimately be happy.

The truth is, you need to make goals that you in your heart want. If you want it bad enough you will get there one day or another.

I have outlined four easy steps to follow to reach your goals below:

1. Create a list of your goals.

Not just any list, a genuine, yes I want this list of goals. You need to weed out all of the ambitions you have that are because of the influences around you and find the ambitions you actually desire because they are the ones you will achieve.

2. Write down each step you need to take to get there and do the first one. NOW!

It could be as simple as my first step to making myself stop comparing my body to others is unfollowing everyone who makes me think like this. Check it off your list and move on.

3. Set realistic timeframes for your goals.

Go through each of the variable factors. Be kind to yourself, and be realistic. If you know you cant do it in a short amount of time, don't beat yourself up, just take your first step towards your goal and be consistent.

4. Keep track of your progress.

Whether that is taking before and after pictures, looking at your savings or simply writing in your journal on how you feel. Make sure you keep track of your progress so you can see how far you've come in the future.

I hope these tips have helped you get a clear structure on how to achieve your goals. We all fall down and have bad moments, that is just life. But it is all about how we get back up which determines our future.

You got this.

Kels x

Previous blog post: Introduction to Project Me

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