Why is comparison YOUR enemy?

Comparison. We all do it at one point or another. We look at other people’s lives and think why can’t I have what they have? Why can’t I have their clothes, their body or their personality? Why am I me?

Well girl there is a very, VERY good reason why you are like you. What would the world be like if everyone was the same. Ummm boring?!

You are you because you bring purpose. A different purpose than the person next to you. You have your own gift to bring to this world that no one else can master.


Comparison is something that haunts us. We get caught up in it, especially with social media, other people's lives seem to be better than yours. We start to attract the “What If” motto, you know "what if I had their body, what if I had there job, their personality?". By doing this we start to loose track of why we got put on this Earth.

This “what if” phrase we repeat in our heads makes us distracted from our goals. This is why we need to learn how to control it and change our thought patterns. Because the reality is, we cant look, or be like anyone else. And that is a bloody great thing! You have the opportunity to be whatever person you want to be!

You need to trust that you are in the exact right place you need to be in this moment. It does get hard sometimes, but you are you. Be grateful for what you have in your life and who you are. Embrace every little quirk you have, skill or talent.

I get caught up in comparison as well, don’t worry. But I’m learning to love who I am and my life. You are the master of your life, and you have the ability to change whatever you want to change whenever you want to change it.

I believe in you, and you should too.

I have made a video about setting goals and how to achieve them here.

You have a purpose.

Kels x

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