5 Ways to Boost your Immunity

We all know our immune system controls many responsibilities with fighting off nasty bacteria and viruses so we can live a healthy life. Our immune system is made up of various types of white blood cells which have specific tasks in fighting off harmful bacteria in the body.

These include:

  • Neutrophils: Early responder, localised killing

  • Lymphocytes: Adaptive immune cells, house the T Cells & B Cells

  • Monocytes: Early responder, mature as macrophages in the tissue

  • Badophils & esoinphils: defence against parasites and allergens

When viruses, bacteria or a parasite enter the body the receptors on the cells are altered and the above cells and their functions come in to play.

But how do we optimise the functionality of these cells easily and support our immune response?


There are some pretty easy and simple ways you can do this. Sure you can invest in supplements, remedies, fancy diets, but so to many of us miss out on the basics that could make a world of a difference.

#1 Sleep

Sleep is such an important thing to get right. If you don’t do any of the others below please get this one down pat. We live in an ever alert society where our minds are constantly on the go. Sleep is important because it gives our body time to rest and restore. Meaning, it gives our body time to heal itself before we go out into the world again and are faced with a myriad of potential harmful bacteria. When we get enough sleep we allow our mighty fighting cells to be on high alert during the day and function at its best. A recommended 7-8 hours is key, but in those times where you feel a bit drained, treat yourself to a early night or sleep in.

#2 Stress Less

Stress can be a major influencer in every single part of life. When you are constantly on high alert everything in your body gets disrupted including your immune cells. Think of it like this, when you are stressed you are alert, awake ready to fight or fly. But if you are constantly stressed your body is constantly alert. And over time, your body will get tired, loose stamina and not be able to perform at its best. This is is the same with your immune response. Take some time everyday to de-stress whether that is taking a bath, reading, meditating, walking. What ever it is, find that down time that your body needs.

#3 Eat your Veggies

Do it. We as a whole do not eat as nearly enough vegetables as we should. But think about it, our body and our fighter cells need FOOD. And where do they get this from? From good sources of carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals which is found in vegetables. Every cell in our body needs to convert some molecule into ATP which is their energy to be able to on their best game and work properly. Vegetables are key because they hold a myriad of vitamins, minerals and good complex carbohydrates which are digested easily into the bloodstream and transported to these cells. Try and incorporate vegetables into at least 2 meals per day to start and work slowly up to at least 5 servings per day.

#4 Practice good hygiene

This is a basic one, but I think it needs to be on the list. Wash your hands with soap for longer than 2 seconds. Really get in there and scrub your nails and in between your fingers. You don’t have to be a scientist to understand this. By practising good and simple hygiene you are doing your part in preventing bad bacteria from spreading or going into your body.

#5 Get that Vitamin D

Vitamin D, also known as the sunshine vitamin, is an essential micro nutrient and is generally absorbed through the skin by the sun. Vitamin D is found on the receptors of T cells and B cells which are immune fighters, and plays an important role in the immune system. You an read more about the role of Vitamin D in our body here. In general, getting out in the sun and soaking up the warmth, breathing in the fresh air and being out in nature will do wonders for your immune system. By dedicating at least 20 minutes of sunshine each day you will reduce stress, get that Vitamin D absorption and have fresh oxygen for the body.

If we take simple and small steps each day we can gradually improve our immune systems and its response against harmful bacteria.

With love,


Kelsey Petherick