Learning the language of the mind. What is NLP?

What if I told you that there was a way to make major moves, communicate effectively and get what you want when you want it. It sounds a bit far fetched right? Well actually this can all be done through mastering the language of the mind by learning some simple and easy techniques through a method called NLP.

NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming and is a technique used by coaches and practitioners to help change a person’s behaviours and thoughts to help them achieve their goals FAST.

NLP was developed back in the 1970s by Richard Bandler and John Grindler when they identified a way to read a person’s communication habits to determine their internal map.

NLP has three different components and they include:

  • Neuro = Neurology: The physical components as well as the mental and emotional components of our neurology

  • Linguistic = Language: Linguistics refers to the language that you use, and more specifically, how you communicate with others and more importantly, how you communicate with yourself

  • Programming = Function: Perceiving your mind as your internal operating system, Programming is the way our past experiences, thoughts and emotions affect all areas of our lives.

These components are powerful in tapping into the unconscious mind which is used mostly in self development to re program the language of the mind, create shifts whether it be mindset change, forming new habits or letting go limiting beliefs.

Some of the techniques used in NLP to make this happen include:

  • Anchoring: Turning sensory experiences into triggers for certain emotional states.

  • Rapport: The practitioner tunes into the person by matching their physical behaviours to improve communication and response through empathy.

  • Swish pattern: Changing patterns of behaviour or thought to come to a desired instead of an undesired outcome.

  • Visual/kinaesthetic dissociation (VKD): Trying to remove negative thoughts and feelings associated with a past event.

Coaches and practitioners use these techniques to tap deeper in the unconscious mind to help with creating big shifts for the client. It’s about changing the subconscious thoughts that are guarding us from progressing further that creates the biggest change.

This can happen in a short conversation with implementing these simple techniques, by using specific language and sentences that builds rapport and a relationship. It is not mind reading, or brainwashing, it is simply learning how we communicate and then communicating effectively to get what we want out of life.'

In a few short months I will be a qualified NLP practitioner where I can coach you through these shifts. So keep an eye out on services, programs and other special items for you to help you create the life that you want.

-Kels @ Intuitive Wellness Studio