We are already in the second quarter of the year. What the heck?!

Maybe it is just me but the start of the year has been so crazy. I have been to Sydney 4 times, picked up an extra subject in uni, in the middle of moving house, my part time job has been crazy, got my fur baby Nala and just so much more.

And I think what is stressing me out more is the fact that I know that it isn’t going to slow down anytime soon.

From this craziness, I have found myself slipping. Slipping away from my flow, my purpose and my alignment. And slowly loosing sight of the vivid vision I had a year or so ago.

I can feel myself getting caught up in the automation of life and letting life happen to me. I have let my daily meditation practice slip, my journalling and my consistent posting on Hey Kels lack.

By why is this?

I have asked myself the following questions. Am I not motivated anymore? Do I not want the life that I desired a year ago? or am I just letting it happen out of being scared to let go?

I believe the last question is my answer. I am scared. I have become fearful of dreaming big all of a sudden. I have latched on to self doubt and let it consume me.

To solve this, I went back to square one. Why am I doing this?

Hey Kels started out as a venture to change the world in someway. And it is still that but through a different light.

And my why is to make people feel like they have a purpose and feel like they can create the life that they want.

But how can I do this if I am not doing it for myself?

I can’t. And that’s where this blog post comes in. This is a contract for myself to get back into alignment and be unapologetic with making my dream life a reality.

I cant promise you that it wont take time, but I need to do this for me - to prove to myself that I can do this even if it is hard.

Now I give this to you.

What are you holding yourself back from?

If you dream of a life different to the one that you have now, why are you not striving everyday to get closer to it?

Take some time to reflect and realign. You can make anything come true.

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