First off lets start with, what is your vibration?

Everything is made out of energy. EVERY SINGLE LITTLE THING. We are all just vibrating molecules all moving at different frequencies, and the frequency we vibrate at is what we attract back.

Have you heard of the law of attraction? Well this is where it comes in. The law of the attraction is when you raise your vibration to what you want to attract. So for example if you want to attract more positive things in your life you would raise your vibration to a more positive state. If you are constantly in a low vibrational state and doing low vibrational things, thinking low vibrational thoughts. Then you are attracting more low vibrational things in your life. What you put out is what you will receive back.

Keep in mind that things do happen that were never planned and were all of the sudden that you had no control over and that’s a part of life. What I am talking about today is how you can identify where your everyday energy is.. What energy are putting out into the universe?

Personal development

How can you actually identify if your vibration is low?

There are a couple of different ways you can identify where you vibration is. It is all about expanding your self awareness, and identifying if what you are doing now is really aligned and making you happy.

Ask yourself these simple questions now:

  • How am I feeling today?

  • Do I feel like life happens to me or I am creating my life?

  • Do I feel supported?

  • Am I living my best life?

Check in with yourself through out the day and assess what you are doing and if it is making you happy.

If it is not, it is time to make some adjustments.

How to raise your vibration

  • Write down your perfect day. From start to finish. What time would you wake up? What will you have for breakfast? What is your job? Where do you live etc?

  • Now write down what you day currently looks like

  • Compare the two, what is different? What do you need to do to make your current life into your dream life?

Don’t be overwhelmed if your dream life is no where near your current one. This process has simply brought you more awareness to what you want and what you would like to work towards.

Now, make a list on all of goals you would like to achieve. Be BOLD!

With these goals, identify something you can do tomorrow that will raise your vibration to this new version of yourself. Maybe it is going for that morning walk. Doing that 20 minutes of reading or eating a healthy breakfast.

Whatever it is - set your intention for tomorrow to follow through with these. Imagine in your head what you are feeling when you are moving through this goal. FEEL INTO THE INTENTION.

This is where the magic happens. When you feel into the intention of your higher vibrational self, your vibration will start to rise. It’s as simple as that + following through with messy inspired action towards your goal everyday.

It’s all about letting go of the how, the stress and worry and just letting yourself flow in a state where you feel your BEST.

Now what? How do you know it’s working?

When you raise your vibration you will actually feel the shift in your energy. If you are putting out these positive thoughts and making positive actions, positive things will start showing up in your life without you lifting a finger. You will also become more aware of where you are putting your energy and if these things are bringing you down or raising you up.

REMEMBER: this is a journey, do not get disheartened if you have a bad day. It is all about recognising where your energy is at and asking yourself; what can I do to raise my vibration?

With love,

Kels xx