Meditation can be a hard concept to grasp. How does sitting there doing nothing bring so many positive benefits?

Meditation originated many, many years ago in India through Buddhism practices. However, it came more prominent in the Western world in the mid 1900’s through research and experiments which showed the change in mood, clarity and how one perceives the world.

Like with anything, meditation is a practice and it takes practice to get comfortable with the concept. But how do you start a practice?

Finding your seat
  1. Find your solitude place

    Whether that is in a corner of your house, on the lounge room floor, on your bed, or out in the sunshine. Find somewhere with minimal distractions and where you are comfortable

  2. Make sure you are comfortable

    Your body including your temperature and how you are seated play major factors on if you will progress through the full meditation. Because meditation is the act of being still, making sure you are comfortable from the get go is a must.

  3. Use headphones and listen to a guided meditation

    Guided meditations are a great place to start when you are meditating. Having someone guide you through what you should do, how you should feel and what to focus on, takes your mind aware from getting distracted from your thoughts.

  4. Count 10 breaths before starting each meditation

    Counting the breaths before you commence a meditation is great for getting connected to your body and breath before your meditation.

  5. Let the thoughts pass like a train

    If you get on the train, you will go on a journey which is not where you intended, or if you just simply observe and not attach to the thought, you build your muscle of not getting attached to your thoughts and start to create the space in your mind.

  6. Do not give up

    The first couple, maybe even more, you will be asking yourself why am I doing this? But I promise after a couple of weeks of consistent 5 minute meditations you will notice the difference. More perspective, being more proactive and less reactive, less emotional and more practical, and maybe even some new ideas might come up along the way as well.

On the Intuitive Wellness Studio YouTube channel there are many guided meditations to help you along your journey.

With love,

Kels xx